Medicine Music: Estoy Cantando
Every one of these songs comes with a story and everyone represents some aspect of the mystery. You will be able to hear more details, as the songs are being released. You can listen the whole album here.
Listen to the album “Estoy cantando”
“Ayahuasca Curandera” is one of the first compositions that I was blessed to receive. As she announced herself, I knew my path has been completely opened, and I have found a deep confirmation of my life purpose. She is the spirit of Anakonda, Madre Tierra, and she comes very much from the Heart of the Earth. Her strength works from underneath, she comes to the surface with thoughtful deliberation, knowing how to balance her mighty waves. Thank you, dear Abuela for this precious gift!
“Anahataauasca Heyah” came back with me from Peru in 2017, and she said: there is only one Spirit, and it lives in different forms in different places. Welcome to the union of two snakes: Madrecita Anakonda from the jungles of Peru and Snake Princess Manasaa Devi, who governs the wilderness of Eastern India and is a less-known daughter of Siva from a tantric union. They are wild, adventurous deities, who love depth and playfulness alike. And they come together in the Lotus of your own Heart. Singing their praise means touching the mystery at the very core…….Lean back comfortably and lie down, since this is a deep dive…
The title track of this album, “Estoy Cantando”. I get very emotional right now, because this is the heart of this collection and my most beloved song. She came to me in one of the darkest moments of my life and I could not believe, that such a gift can be received when I am not well. She has the wings of the eagle and the combined power of Sky and Earth, a perfect child of the Cosmic Marriage of Masculine and Feminine. I had the honor of seeing, how far she can fly in the ceremonial setting. Now I am very grateful, proud and happy to allow her to fly all over the Earth! My dear family and friends supported me in putting this arrangement together: thank you to Michelle Marie-Claire and Manuela Struch for the backing vocals, and Eike Ernst and Danilo Steinert for percussion, Edgar Wendt for amazing shamanic impro and the jungle vocal effects! Danilo Steinert produced the whole album in his studio
My other plant children on this album are:
Ayahuasca Taki Muyki
Dance My Prayer
Frau Holle
Asato Ma
Pacha Mama (Os Segredos)
Makh Jchi
Fuerza de una Estrella
Oso Blanco
Their stories are to be soon available. They have been produced, but not yet released officially, as further steps are needed. I am asking you to support me to finance the release and as a “thank you”, you will receive them months and weeks before the official release (planned for autumn /winter 2022).
Title: donation Medicine Music production (please via mode “friends & family”)
Paypal-Link: Spende
Musical Garden Patronage for 188,- €
valid for 2 years, which will include:
– a free download of every album and single I published solo until now and during 2 years of patronage
– 2 tickets for a concert/music ceremony/kakao ceremony I hold worldwide (please subscribe to the newsletter to stay informed)
– a voucher of € 40 for any retreat/workshop/one-to-one session I offer (also possible online)
– a personal “thank you” mentioned by name in the production’s official channels
Paypal-Link: Spende
Title: Musical Garden Patronage, your name (please via mode “friends & family”)
Amount: 188,- €
More about Medicine Music.
Medicine Music is gradually unfolding as a global phenomenon. The general definition is simple and includes any music and sounds, that have a healing/harmonizing effect. More specifically, the term is connected in the spiritual circles to the South-American shamanic healing music, in its traditional as well as the modern variation.
All the colorful, diverse spiritual traditions certainly share this one view: music is part of any medicine path, music herself is one of the most powerful medicines. This makes music one of the most important healing tools that we humans have been equipped with by the Great Spirit. And for this gift we are offering our deepest gratitude, praising the Divine under different names, celebrating unity in diversity.
The growing interest of the western seekers to encounter these traditions and learn from them made this special kind of music more visible, and the interest to use her therapeutically started to grow. Her magic comes from the connection to the transformative and harmonizing frequencies of the medicine plants, creatures indigenous traditions have been working with for centuries. The Sacred Plants carry a message, and the message itself is the healing, and it comes in the form of healing. Very often it is a journey of the discovery of self-healing potencies lying dormant within our potential.
Here you can find a possibility to dive deeply into the source through sounds and music, let go of all the unnecessary conditioning, find new energy and inspiration, and deepen your path of heart. Discover abundance as your innate nature. This immortal Spirit guarantees the unity of life on the planet. Establishing our connection with it is the future of the human species and the only way to thrive in harmony with all nature.
My belief is that the great traditions are opening themselves towards Western seekers, as they act out of compassion. Even though the Western brother in this global family has been harassing other members of the family and seems to be acting in a destructive way, it is now that he receives the deeper healing, that is so badly needed to awaken the Spirit in the hearts of all of humanity. This act of compassion is so deep that it shows, how love heals us all. We all need to learn how to be intune with the law of origin. From the heart into the root leads the way. We can rest there, ground our being and allow our overworked, isolated reason with its controlling agendas to finally surrender.
Medicine Music Ceremony is a space offered to the plant frequencies, where they can display their mystical uniqueness. The concert is a journey into the primordial jungle sound forest, where you might encounter deeply hidden frequencies. This is the path of rooting our beings in the source of everything.
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Mantra Tribe
Mantra Tribe combines ecstatic singing of ancient Indian mantras with the audience and hot, tribal danceable sounds. Floramor is a co-founder, singer and composer in this unique, wild & ecstatic mantra formation.
The first “Mantra Tribe Chanting Party” was created in 2014 in Berlin and marked the beginning of new musical explorations. The result is a refreshing style of music, a marriage of tribal rawness in the beat and hypnotic mantra repetition.
Sounds sooo great !!!
Their regular parties have quickly become an institution of the young spiritual scene in Berlin. Out of this inspiration the band “Mantra Tribe” was founded in early 2016. Since then the band has been playing at various festivals like Folklorum, Xperience, Heartbeat, Agape Zoe Berlin, International Yoga Day, Flowing Spirit, Lucid, Tranceformation Eco Trance, Liebeskunst. During their first India Tour in Goa in 2018 they played numerous concerts, including the final celebration of the Ecstatic Dance season.
“ShaMANTRAnce” is the name of the band’s first album, which was released by Anandamusic in June 2017. Their second album “entranced” was released in 2019.
Your music is so full of life and power. It is full of vitality and creativity, always surprising, just great and so sexy!
Mantra Tribe is fuelled by:
Two female voices complementing each other in a magical way: Floramor (vocals, harmonium, shamanic drum) and Jasmin Aynacioglu (vocals, harmonium, shakers, clapsticks): the depth of mantra beauty and a wildly dancing shakti power.
Danilo Ananda Steinert (guitar, drums, vocals and more) is a versatile musical brain with over two decades of powerful presence in the spiritual music scene.
Marc Miethe is a first didgeridoo wizard in Germany, bewitching the audience with his wicked boom-box artistry and endless fascination for the earth-bound beats.
Thank you for the wonderful, heart-opening evening, it was a treat for body, mind and soul!